Publication Fee (APC)

The Pakistan Journal of Urology does not charge any article publication fee for articles meeting the required standard of quality. This policy symbolizes the journal's dedication to academic and medical research, committed to supporting researchers by not imposing financial barriers. By waiving fees for high-standard articles, the journal enhances its role in the scholarly communication environment. This initiative encourages researchers from diverse backgrounds to contribute to the field of urology without the burden of financial constraints.

Among the various policy decisions impacting academic publishing, the journal's choice not to charge publication fees is particularly notable. Such fees are often prohibitively expensive for many researchers. This practice not only facilitates the dissemination of significant medical research but also upholds the principle of equal opportunity for all researchers, regardless of the economic conditions of their institutions or countries. It promotes a wider spread of knowledge and supports the growth of urological science globally.

Ultimately, the policy of the Pakistan Journal of Urology to forego publication fees for articles that maintain a certain quality standard significantly supports and encourages scholars, especially those from developing countries, providing substantial relief and motivation.